Arie van Houts

The life of Arie changed after a motor-accident

“After a motor-accident in 2002, a lot of things changed in my life. My work, my home, sports, and finally also my relationship. I tried to keep living the “normal” life, but that was impossible. I did not have enough energy to keep it up.”

Learning about the BerkelBike

“I went looking for other ways to make my life meaningful and valuable. One of my friends told me about the BerkelBike and showed me a newspaper article written about the BerkelBike. I was enthusiastic right away.

In particular, the sporting aspect of the BerkelBike really appeals to me. After a test-ride at the rehabilitation center in Amsterdam, I knew this was right for me. I haven’t regretted that decision once.”

The quality of my life improved

“During the first years after the accident, I suffered from medical problems caused by the spinal cord injury. I especially experienced a lot of pressure sores and my leg fractured spontaneously. The BerkelBike helps me a lot with these problems.

Cycling stimulates the blood flow, and therefore makes my skin looks healthier and thicker. My gluteal muscles are firmer and more developed. The annual measurement of my bone density showed that my bones were no longer deteriorating. My physical condition has improved by cycling regularly. Cycling is physically hugely recommendable.”

My experience so far with the BerkelBike

“Cycling with the BerkelBike is just really fun to do. I have the Fortius with it- an advanced program that I use with my laptop. In the program, there are different trails that you can cycle simultaneously. After cycling down a trail, you can save and follow your progress. It is also possible to use saved rides as your opponent. It is challenging and stimulating to compete with yourself.

You can use the BerkelBike also without the Fortius. After I broke my leg a second time, I only used my arms to train my upper body. I only use the BerkelBike indoors. I use the BerkelBike as a home trainer because this way I can use it independently. It is pleasant to train with my BerkelBike during good and bad times, both summer and winter.”

Arie van Houts

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